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Boot related images, waders, riggers, wellies

Clean INstant

See video


See video

Dunlops and workpants

Old video of me, it hasn't been public before.
What should happen next?

See video

Clean Off

Almost like a child in a bath!

See video

Muddy NIght

IS nighttime a batter or worse time for being out, in the daytime you can be seen for miles at night the camera is seen for miles otherwise crap photos! You just can't win, feel like I'm going to get into bother someday!

See video


See video

Burn 1

See video

Mud Walk

See video

Short wellies in pond mud 3

After swapping out of the footy boots these wellies get another go in the mud.  I go a little deeper but I'm going for good sounds and full boots here :)

See video

Sticky Mud

A wee walk back down to the croft! 

See video


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