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Hiding your gear
A friend who is on this site told me about the bad experience he had when he went to his mudding spot, changed into his mudding gear, hid his "normal" clothes in what he thought was a safe place, only for it to be stolen.
So how does one hide something safely where one will remember its location but make it unlikely that it will be found?
1 The marker method. Always use a marker that you will recognise. Scrape a cross on the ground somewhere nearby, make a cross our of sticks, push a stick into the ground, break off a branch of a rhododendron, hang some bits of bracken on tree branches, take a piece of trash with you and drop it nearby......
2 Use the fact that when wearing mudding gear you are fairly immune to stinging nettles, brambles etc. . Walk or crawl into the worst thicket you can find although bear In mind that you may leave a track, so make some false tracks also.
3 Use a muddy bag that can be turned inside out. One way it is used to transport you muddy gear, the other way it is used to hide your clean gear.
4 If you are concerned somebody may be watching as you hide your gear, do not retrace your steps after hiding it. Continue as though you are following a logical route. As you emerge from the thicket pretend to do your flies up as though you have just urinated.
5 Remember, walls have ears and woods have eyes. Walking back after finishing the business one day a dog stared yapping and I heard from the habitations that were completely out of sight "It's that pervert". Unless it was a compete guess I am amazed that whoever it was could see me, and hadn't been aware I had been observed at some time in the past (this happened about 500m from the mudhole)