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How many pairs of wellies/waders do you own?

Below is my collection of waders, wellies and rigger boots

I own 2 pairs of waders:  

Dunlop Purofort safety green Size 11

Dunlop monsoon green size 12

I own 18 pairs of wellies:

Nora green size 11

Nora Black size 13

Century Blue top size 12

Argylls size 12

Bullseyes size 12

Superga green size 10.5

Hunter navy size 11

Black Trucker steel toe cap size 11

Dunlop blue size 12

Dunlop acifort white size 13

Dunlop devon green size 11

Dunlop acifort green size 12

Dunlop acifort ribbed black size 11

Dunlop thermo orange size 12 (due to arrive 17th August 2009)

Border green wellies size 10.5

B+Q Green wellies size 11

Black unbranded wellies size 12

Trashed lace up green wellies size 11 (ripped)

I own 2 pairs of rigger boots

Leather lined size 12

Dunlop purofort unlined size 11

Whats in your collections lads?


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