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From N.Ireland ( wellies & mud fun)

I am not sure if the owner of this website will allow this comment !! Anyways does anyone else have this problem that always happens to me when i go mudding but more so when i wear my close mates wellies.

In short when we both exchange wellies  and we head out to the mud flats not far from where i live as soon as my wellies hit the mud and sink I will cum in my trakkie bottoms and then find my mate just giggles at me but i am knackered and this can happen a few times until such times as i cant even pull out my wellies  from the mud cause i am knackered lol.  I noticed this happening from i was around 14 years old and still to this day it still happens. Even when i just wear his or my other none gay mates wellies but the best  thing is they all appear to enjoy exchanging each others wellies including  rugby socks and trakkie bottoms but yet most of them have a GF  as only 2 of us are gay.  It would appear  you dont need to be gay  to enjoy this time of wellie  and mud fun:) Genuine comments very welcome.


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