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We have to face it, We're all getting older Folks!
Indeed we are. Last month I heard from a good fellow mudder that one of my buddies, who lived not too far away passed away quite suddenly. He was just turned 47. So another of my Folks is gone now - it's getting more and more lonely.
On the bright side, he would have cherrished the thought I go to a wallow in his Memory, he was one of us through and through - and mostly unspoiled by Internet and stuff. I myself turn in some months 51 and I already had in mind, at some Point I might stop doing this, but with the recently found new mudspots in the quarry, the new bog I found and the deep mudhole in the forest that was created by the forestry workers this is now pushed far, far away into the future.
Hell, as Long as I am able to crawl, I will gladly continue to crawl through the mess - no matter what. And as one member of this community said, it's the most fun to slowly turn yourself into the dirty state... being clean is no art, but getting dirty, and stay that way in our modern Society is, even if you are an outdoors worker, or someone who is a lot of time in the outdoors (farming, hunting, forestry, quarry-workers and such). AND I frickin' hate metrosexual Images of clean guys who more have the rip-off look of pseudo beef-cakes, all shaved, clean and shiny...
So guys, heads up and STAY dirty!