Welcome to the mudboyuk.com community for muddy guys from around all over the world

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Members have full access to the forums and to 1000's of images and videos,
there is no charge to join or use the members area. Members can also
access user profiles and send instant messages to other members.

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FREE. Below is a preview of some of the mudboyuk.com members content.
As a not logged in visitor you can preview just a few of 1000's of images, or read the forum
but not comments on those posts.

August 2011 Updates

The site has undergone some major updates under the bonnet

The upgrade which has been overdue for some time, was brought on by the site becoming two large for the current hosting (it was suspended but the hosting company) this tipped my hand into moving the site to a new server and updating it to the latest version of the software on which it runs. It took somewhat longer than planned! and after a lot of trying to wrestle data from old database schemas into new ones we have a new site:

unfortunately most of the work had to be done with the site off line for a long period as I needed the database to remain unchanged during the migration and lacked the time to do a trial run and migrate changes back from a development platform after the upgrade was complete (complex, tedious, fuck, and cowboys were words that were on my mind during the upgrade - I believe that giving birth can be very painful...)


Whats New

Site Messages - now feature threaded conversations - and in the future might feature tagging to help organize your messages (does anyone want/need this feature?) your comment appreciated.

Ads are Geotrageted - The ebay ads (which attempt to cover the cost of hosting the site) should now match your current location if you are in the UK, US or Australia. the rest of the world defaults to US based gear. although other countries can be added on request

Profile Tab: Images - displays images you have uploaded, this will replace the current user galleries. Existing user images have have been migrated into categories organised by content/subject. e.g. there are two ways to browse images: either by the user who uploaded (in their profile) or by the subject under the "image gallery" option in the left menu.

Profile Tab: Video - upload videos to the site (up to 20mb) and view them as flash videos, older videos uploaded as attachements are still available but not listed under the videos tab

My Visitors - shows you a list of recent people to view your profile gallery

Menus - have been re-arranged so that all options relating to the current logged in user are located in the top menu bar, options for site content and other users are located down the left menu


What's Gone

Social Ads - almost no body used them to create links to 'stuff' e.g. their own ebay sales etc so they have been dropped - there is still a forum area for links and stuff you have for sale

Embedded Images - link to your images on an image sharing site... unloved - gone (the embedded video function is still alive and well for those who want to link to a video on youtube etc

Site Message Folders - see above


Whats Coming Soon

Now that the basic infrastructure is complete, i'm making some changes to improve usability (which is at the moment 'basic') and much better ways to view content. Options to 'find users near me' based on their last login location and your current location - or something similar than the current method which relies on exact matching of the location fields used in your profile, anything else you would like to see?


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