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Swansea Brick Pit,, and River Parrett (Somerset) ponds
Submitted by hungdungdung on 24 July, 2022 - 12:08Given the hot dry summer, and a lot of muddy locations may be unavailable, here are a couple of places that I dont think ever dry. Well secluded (or were last time I was there), might be worth a look.
Somerset: there are always estuaries available, remember to check the tide times, spring tides are when the moon is approx new or full mean low tide in the middle of the day, which is good.
Swansea: I suspect this is permanently flooded but there is mud in Clyne Valley country Park, there seem to be deep swampy areas there, although it might take a while to find them,
Don't relax your guard on covid
Submitted by hungdungdung on 27 October, 2021 - 20:52The farmer who kindly lets me play on his farm, (and gives permission on an occasional basis for a group of us to meet), tells me he has tested positive for covid. At present he doesn't feel too bad, just annoying he has no sense of taste nor smell. He had 2 Oxford Astra vaccinations, the 2nd was last August.
A day on the farm in SW England?
Submitted by hungdungdung on 20 March, 2021 - 10:04Thanks in advance to the people who are going to attend a muddy meet I intend to organise (April or May, whatever is within the law in terms of coronavirus restrictions) on one of the local farms (SW England: M5J25). I have a load of gear to give away to a good home (someone who will use it and share photos for everyone to enjoy), farmer has given permission for a Saturday morning, when we will have the farm yard to ourselves
Approximately there are 6 army fatigue jackets or similar
15 olive army boiler suits
A few blue or black boiler suits
Submitted by Claasman on 30 December, 2020 - 22:41Hi!! Just looking for a few days dirty work, labouring, farming so I can get geared up , love getting filthy. I’m physically fit and like hands on stuff , have a sense of humour, can travel . It’s short notice, but would prefer January 21 if possible (Covid :(() , thanks Claasman
Submitted by mudmoose on 28 August, 2019 - 21:42Drexx at Essen will be closing later this year due to the expiry of their lease. There will not be any further Mud Parties before closure. They are looking for other premises but don't seem very hopeful. I went to many great Mud Parties there and will miss it. All that seems to be left now in Europe is be the Lab.
Ever had that happen to you? Discrimination
Submitted by MudhogDe on 27 April, 2019 - 06:36Hi Folks,
I wonder if you had over the years had the same happen to you? It's now almost a year since the last incident happened on any site I regulary visit. But still it shakes me a bit, not that I am scared, more enraged by what transpired.
*WARNING* Tosh.0 TV show featuring our youtube content.
Submitted by muddymatt81 on 10 November, 2018 - 20:26Hi guys,Just to let you all know, some of us have been featured on american TV show Tosh.0. You can see the link to the segment here: (sorry its a facebook link):
Last year, the producer of this show contacted me via youtube asking me to appear to do a live skit. They offered $750 to appear plus would pay for flights to LA for the filming. After some discussion I declined and told them I did not want to feature on the show.
Muddy or messy in Munich?
Submitted by moddermonster on 19 June, 2018 - 20:40Hi guys,
I'll be in Munich for work and I have a free day on Saturday 23 June.Is there anyone in or around Munich who can tell me where I gan get muddy?Or if someone wants to meet to get muddy or messy together?I'll have some more free days in Munich in August and September.
warning Huntspill
Submitted by joedeep130535 on 14 May, 2018 - 19:41This is a warning to anyone who goes to Huntspill for mud fun --I found out tonight that cars parked by the footpath entrance have had tyres slashed & windows broken by a bunch of local yobs It does not seem to be directed at us mudders as the cars have been property of dog walkers but probably we would be advised not to go there for a bit
Merry Christmas to all
Submitted by Wellie_Mud_Pig on 24 December, 2017 - 18:59Merry Christmas to everyone on the group