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Billy's adventure

IT had been a terrible day for Billy, he was on his way to work and was walking over a bridge where underneath was a big pool of mud completley hidden from view the perfect place to play. He looked it and thought. Last night hed just broken up with his boilerall friend who sounded great  and was a friendly guy but ended up getting annoyed at Billy because he was said to be "too obsessed" He stopped for a minute and imagined him and Murdo playing together rubbing mud all over them and ensuring that there bodies were completley covered before diving into the ruiver and cleaning off.

The day passed slowly but he ended up being given a half day so on the way back home he had another look at the mud and decided that he would go home get changed and go for a play in it. He had never actually gone muddying properley (xcept from trying to roll in his garden when his house was getting extended) but this looked too good not to miss the opportunity for.He got home and stripped from his work suit and went to his gear cupboard. He decided to wear his rubber catsuit which he found hard to oput on because of how hard he had gotten. But eventually he managed. THen on with a couple boilersuits, waterproof coverall and then his favourite dickies hivis boilersuit which was just perfect for muddying in. HE drove to the layby next to the bridge got out and walked down through the trees. He realised that he would need chest waders to cross the river first so put them on and waded across almost flooding them, the river wasnt quite deep enough for that so he ducked down and flooded himself. Over the other side was just the best place ever. The mud was deep and soft. Billy flipped over face planted and  did everything he could think of for hours. Then there was a sounf he didnt know what it was. IT was getting dark so he couldnt see anything. He then heard trees russeling together and he became scared because he wasnt able to hide. so he slipped against the concrete leg and waited. A young guy came out round the corner he looked very seriouse. he walked past Billy without noticing him but BIlly noticed on the back of a hivis coverall he was wearing it said POLICE. he decided he needed to get out of there incase something happened. but as he was making up his mind the "policeman" fell face first into the mud. BIllys instinct told him to go and make sure he was ok so he walked over slowly. but the policeman started to get up BIlly just stopped in his tracks as the policeman turned anf faced him.  He looked saken by what he was seeing but slowly the two guys advanced before coming together for a hug...........


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