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Muddy Stories

Mud and boot related stories

Dairy Farm Mucky Lagoon Dip

This story started a few years ago, when I found an interesting looking brown rectangle on Google aerial maps. I had been looking for a farm muck pit, that had been mentioned to me, in area that was a little way from my usual haunts. I didn't find the muck pit in question, but a distinctive brown rectangle had appeared on the aerial maps since I'd last properly looked. With a closer view, the aerial photo revealed it was a large dirty water pond. And above, what could well be a slurry lagoon, right next to what was probably a large cow shed.

Low Lane Farm - Chapter 10

Low Lane Farm

Chapter 10.

Before he could really engage his brain, Lee grabbed Jack's neck and pulled his face towards him. Their lips locked and in no time Jack's tongue had invaded Lee's hot mouth. It flicked around wildly, making Lee moan with sheer pleasure . This again was totally unchartered waters for him, but he knew he wanted this lad.

Low Lane Farm - Chapter 9

Low Lane Farm. Chapter 9.

With the post van gone, the farm was totally silent again. Except for Lee’s rapidly beating heart. In his mind, it sounded as if it might burst through his rib cage.

He held the Dickies overalls against his naked body – they were too long but would certainly fit : the waders, on the other hand, were causing serious activity in his cock !

“ Bullseye High & Dry” the label read. Thick, heavy black rubber, substantial cream coloured steel toes, thick shoulder braces and an intoxicating smell…

Glorious Mud

Glorious Mud

He was alone again. A last wave, a last honk as the car vanished around the corner and he was alone again. It had been a great visit. They were old friends who knew him as well as anyone. But they did not know about his mud and boot fetish. Yes, the house needed to be straightened out after four nights with guests, but that was not the first priority. The visitors had interrupted his normal routines. Getting off was the urgent requirement.

Unexpected Saturday Night Muck Bath

This story is related to the three photos I recently posted in the "muddy places/farm" area.


It was Saturday night in mid October and I'd got a few nights free to go out and get very muddy/mucky. A couple of nights before, I'd gone out on a wonderfully wet and mucky visit to the local pigs farms, getting home in a very messy state around 3:30am. So after a day to recover and to sort out my gear, I thought I'd go out a bit earlier, on a more low-key trip out.

Late June's quick and dirty field muck heap wallow

It was late June and I found myself having an evening free to do as I pleased. But as it was just getting properly dark at 10:30pm, I reckoned I only had about two hours from leaving, to being back home and all cleaned up. Otherwise, it was a perfect night for wallowing, being a balmy 19 degrees C at 10pm. I decided on trying a couple of the nearby field muck heaps, which had appeared in the last few weeks. The heaps would only take about 10 mins to get to by bike.

The New Hand

The New Hand
A fictional fetish story
by deepmud

Niko entered the small construction site, feeling a mixture of excitement and apprehension about starting his new role as a landscaper. Tall conifers lined the perimeter, creating an air of seclusion from the outside world. Tools, some of the broken, discarded bricks, and splintered wood lay strewn across the grounds, remnants of the ongoing landscaping project among abandoned equipment.

Mudslide, Part 1

Mudslide Part 1
A fictional fetish story
by Deepmud

Relentless rain poured down, shrouding the once-idyllic gorge in a gloomy cloak. A treacherous mudslide had blocked the essential highway, isolating the village from the outside world.

Felix, a handsome young local Austrian firefighter in his upper 20ies, had arrived on the scene with his team. As they laboured ceaselessly to remove the debris, the urgency of the situation intensified with each passing minute.

Buying Boots on eBay

Buying Boots on eBay
A fictional fetish story
by Deepmud

Ben had been eagerly anticipating this day ever since he first glimpsed the pictures of those well-worn rubber boots. And now, at long last, the moment had arrived for him to pay a visit to the farmer named Jon who had listed them for sale.

Since his teenage years, Ben had harboured a peculiar, almost magnetic fascination with bulky rubber boots. There was a primal quality to them that made him feel rugged and masculine whenever he put them on.

Sinking Desires

A fictional story of friends who share the same fetish.
by Deepmud

The morning sunlight casted a warm glow across the farm, when Jack arrived at Patrick's farmhouse after the night's torrential downpour. Despite the weather, both men couldn't help but notice the raw beauty of the place – the rolling hills dotted with cows and the sturdy barns housing the farm's cattle.

As Jack pulled up in his old dirty pickup truck, Patrick greeted him with a broad smile and a firm handshake.


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