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forest mud
summer is here, and the weather has finally started to warm up.
Being a nice evening, I decided to go for a run around some local woodland.
its been a dry couple of weeks, so I expected it to be pretty dry out, and for the first part of my run, I was right.
the ground was pretty firm, and dry until I ventured a bit further into
the woodland and suddenly had to unexpectedly had to dodge a reasonably
sized patch of wet ground.
shortly after, i cam across another part of the trail which was also
quite muddy. as the warming weather has started, I could tell the patch
used to be a lot wetter, and bigger, but although the area was well
shaded, the mud had started to dry out a bit, and had reached that thick
sticky consistency. I made a mental note of where abouts the site was
and continued with my run.
At the end of my run, I made my way back the way I had come and
eventually came across the mud again. I had only bumped into 2 other
people during my run, so figured the area was pretty quiet, so without
hesitating took off my running shoes, and strode into the muddy quagmire
after only a few steps the thick slimy mud squished up between my toes,
and sucked at the soles of my bare feet reluctantly letting them go with
each further step i took. The mud was warm, but also cool, a perfect
combination to cool down my feet after the run i had just completed.
I spent a fair amount of time walking back and forth through the mud
relishing the feeling of its thick stickiness slopping around under my
feet and mushing up between my toes. it felt incredible.
I was suddenly aware of movement further up the path and swear I saw
someone duck out the way in my peripheral vision. I quickly turned but
couldn't see anyone in the dense woodland.
I decided enough was enough, so did my best to clean up the mud from my
feet using what little water I had left in my water bottle. and decided
to walk on the dry trail back to my car barefoot. I never met anyone,
or saw who i thought had caught me, so not sure if i was just imagining
was worth it though.
I even took a short video of me enjoying that mud.