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Mud factor points farse

Is it just me or does anyone else think that the way the mud factor points are awarded is a bit unfair? 

It seems that members that have been on the site for a long time and uploaded and contributed a lot of media to the site do not get awarded many points - but users that appear from nowhere and "comment" on every single image they come accross "nice coverage" for example, get awarded gazillions of points? 
I think it would be better if mudfactor points were awarded for contributions to the site (images, video, stories, links ect) rather than awarded to whoever bangs on the most about "how hot" another members contributions are
Anyone can comment "hot" on an image - but is this contributing to the site more than the person who originally uploaded the image to begin with? 
Also the recent comments section displayed at the side of the sits should be re thought perhaps to display recent uploads (thumbnails?)  instead as by displaying recent comments you often find your reading the same persons comments on different images over and over again and some of the said images are some years old while more recent ones are more likely to be overlooked untill someone comments on one?  


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