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Site Suggestions
Submitted by matthewclarke on 28 September, 2024 - 20:05I hear some guys get together at Tixover, is there a group here to join, or how do I come next time:)?
Chat Room
Submitted by chickenhawk on 4 January, 2022 - 20:52Just having a quick look at the Chat Room, I see that the comments have a timestamp, but no datestamp, so users can't tell when someone has posted a comment. Is it possible to include a datestamp against each entry, this might make it more likely that users will respond to an invitation to meet up, either in the Chat Room, or directly with the other user.
Right-clickability of 'Muddy Locations' section
Submitted by donutalfred on 1 April, 2015 - 12:00It would be a good idea if we could right-click muddy locations on the map and be able to open those in a new tab/window instead fo having to return to the map of half the world every time, also, I visited a pae of a muddy location and it said "no member had bookmarked this page".............my question is "how does one bookmark a page" is it done in my browser, as normal or is there a secret in-site-bookmark-thingy that has so far eluded me?
B & B
Submitted by jmac on 15 October, 2014 - 17:50Hi all my
I am now helping a mate run his Self-Catering B&B, I am letting you that if any of you need a room or the house for a night/weekend or week for wader/wellie fun let me know.
Just had fishermen for the last 4 weeks in the house so wellies and waders everywhere. though none of them were gay I had great fun looking at them in their gear and seeing their boots in the kitchen every night when I called in to check if everything was alright.
Who's Online?
Submitted by angraath on 21 September, 2014 - 11:40I like browsing the profiles of people who are online.
The only problem is you only see 10 people there (including oneself).Maybe a good idea to have a better way to view who is online?
Mobile app
Submitted by Spaceman83 on 6 June, 2014 - 21:13I would like a mobile app for this website because then we can use the GPS/Location Services feature on cell phones to share muddy locations from the locations. Also, it should add the feature to upload pictures from our phones. We could also potentially livestream our muddy adventures!
Mud factor points farse
Submitted by gazzamudcub on 5 March, 2014 - 20:06Is it just me or does anyone else think that the way the mud factor points are awarded is a bit unfair?
Submitted by mud67 on 16 November, 2013 - 00:08Would it be possible to keep the ages up to date please? At the moment it's necessary to add the length of membership to the stated age.
Site visibility
Submitted by muddy4x4 on 13 November, 2013 - 22:34Any way we could get the word out about this site? Doesn't seem like most people check in very often. I'd like to be able to find people close by to go mudding more often. I have a jeep and an atv and ready to go!
Old members (funny joke)
Submitted by angraath on 28 April, 2013 - 12:28This might be the newest post in a while. seeing almost everything was uploaded at least two years ago...
My concern is the amount of members where the average age is 40-50 something. hope to see more 20 something yr old aussie guys here in future:-P