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Site Suggestions

Something you would like this site to do? something you think could be improved?


Hi mudboys,

I suggest a competition for great new images!
What about choosing a topic and then everyone can upload images, post a link to the image here and the highest rated one wins after a given time span??

I will start with a topic:
muddy boots and traces on a clean tiled floor


Hi Viz

As there are so many people interested in Hi Viz, can we have a separate category please?


New users


mud runner classic

anyone up for doing the mud runner classic course on 21st october in herefordshire...

batch / multi-upload

I think better image upload support for multiple images is probably something we need?

need to make sure it does not simply make it easy to upload thousands of rubbish images instead of picking a handful of the best!...



Hi, just a thought

was about to post a request for lads into muddy footy that want to meet up
but that doesnt really come under locations does it?

so how about a forum heading for MUD SPORTS
or sports that get you muddy?
with subsections such like :-

etc etc
etc etc

then people into a particular sport looking for meets
can be post messages for contacts


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