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Mud Weekend in TX

Circle J Campground in TX is having another mud weekend May 20-22. This is a gay campgrounds about 90 miles from Dallas. Probably about hour+ drive from DAL (Love Field) airport. www.campcirclej.com Nice, decent sized mudpit (about 20-25 ft. diameter), and depth ranges from knee to waste deep. Consistently is red clay with just a LITTLE bit of sand, not gritty or abrasive though. I went to this in 2009 and had a blast. It is also adjacent to a pond for easy clean-up. Outdoor hot showers also if you prefer. Not as nice as "the great outdoors" or along a river, but you don't have to look over you shoulder, there are always other guys joining in, and it's a very friendly campgrounds, not always trying to take your money like other ones I have been to. Good and hot by then in that part of TX. So for any "yanks" here, I highly recommend it as worth the trip. Attaching a photo from 2009. Note the mudpit is larger and much deeper than shown here.


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