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Muddy Event Organisation
Future 'event' feature
Thinking about organising events for mudboyuk.com members I planning to add event organisation features to the site. Below are some thoughts about how events can be arranged. There are lots of options and I'd like some feedback from both people who would plan events and people who might be interested in attending.
- Basic - the event has a date (all day) or start and end time and can be seen on a calendar, the event attendees work it out with each other via private messages or posting comments (this is not much different to what we have now with the forum posts).
- RSVP - the organiser can invite people to the event or just include anyone on their buddy list(?), those attendees can optionally invite others? this keeps the event private - is this something organisers would like?
- Register - people can register their interest in comming to the event so a list of attendees is displayed on the site (perhaps also tentative interest and people who can't make it - (face book style).
Does anyone have any thoughts on this? events are only displayed to site members who are logged in but does anyone else have any security comment or concerns. Something else I have not listed here?
The location of the event would probably be listed as a link to one of the muddy places, this could consist of just a meeting point/carpark near the actual location.