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Video Updates
Video handling on the site has been updated (about time too!)
You can now upload bigger video files.
The old jwplayer has been replaced with a new player which defaults to work with html5 (i.e. will work on more browsers than the old flash player)
BUT - much of the old media on the site has been encoded in flv format - my hands are tied here, despite my efforts (in the available time)
MP4 files are recommended (H264 etc) as other formats (mpeg etc) will still be re-encoded into .flv (defeating the upgrade to the new player, but as before allowing reliable playback to anyone with the flash support) - sorry ios users etc.
You'll notice a significant increase in quality with the mp4 files.
A link has been placed at the top of the page that lets you download the original file to watch in your browser if you have the appropriate codec (this link only works properly for videos that were re-encoded, for the unaltered files there is a "//" bug that means the link gets a bit mangled) i've left the link there even in the slightly broken state as I think some people might find it useful
Videos (including the embedded ones from youtube which still use youtubes player) can be found in the Video Gallery