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As a not logged in visitor you can preview just a few of 1000's of images, or read the forum
but not comments on those posts.

Problems / issues

Post any problems you find on the site here.

Expensive timewasters

It would be a pleasure to say that we all had a great meeting today but there is a member who hopefully will be resigning shortly from the group who had led me along for a while, who today promised to meet me & take photographs & make video of a great mudding session at a coastal location known for excellent mud.  So in eager anticipation, I prepared the outfits he wanted me to wear, bleachers, boots, 501s, diesel and wrangler jeans including light and dark for various piss and mud fun, all carefully gathered as per instruction, plus wellington boots, footba

Linking bug

Hi Mate,
Something else to add to the list of things to do!
When someone has a website link on their profile, clicking it sometimes apends the link to the mudboyuk/users url rather than just opening the link.


Current site problems

Current Site Issues

MINOR Users with _ - @ or other special character in their name who joined before 12 april 2008 could have an issue with the link from their profile gallery to their user profile, if there is a problem contact me and I will correct the url aliases that link the two. This problem also affects all users who have a space in their user name. As a work around use the link in the right side bar to access related profile pages

MINOR - text entry issues on ipad (presumably other ios platforms)

watch video

if your a member why due some video can not be seen or say's private , so why due thy download it  when you can watch it.

If there is a problem tell...

If there is a problem with the site it won't just fix itself, you have to report it. Most people don't bother complaining, the only way I often know there is a serious problem with the site is if there is no one left online, or I look thought the log at screen after screen of 404s. Most of the issues i can easily fix, the current batch of problems are mostly are things like usernames with - or _ causing an issue (new users can't have those characters any more) 


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