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Problems / issues

Post any problems you find on the site here.

Dickies (no more)

I only ust heard yesturday that Dickies has gone bust! When did that happen? I think their Boilersuits were of the best quality but it shows just how few people must be wearing them (It's e seen on here too). The shop I used to get mine in are movin to a lot of "Chamion" suits now apparently "Blue castle" aren't doing the best either.
C'mon guys lets see those boilersuits!

Advertisement Across Middle of Screen

Is anybody else getting an ad for American priced boots right across the middle of their screen? It’s appeared during the last week when accessing Mudboyuk using my iPad.

It was a shame to lose the vertical column of boots, etc. links to eBay on the left hand side of the screen but this horizontal advertisement, not even priced in £ sterling, is a pain in the proverbial.

ebay sales

ebay decided to remove 50 of my items for sale recently.

Ive started to re-list items , please bear with me whilst i list them all again.

seller ID : giggerty  




I am having great difficulty downloading videos-Some,notably Mashwarrior & Mudsoldier are fine, but others simply offer a blank space under the name & title Suggestions would be welcome

I owe you...

an Explanation.

First and foremost, I was utterly frustrated as I tried to delete a couple of Pictures that had some slight... well, let's say they weren't that sharp and totally unsightly. I tried to delete them, but somehow it didn't work. That futile try was in octobre last year, I only saw one way to get rid of those Pictures... deleting my whole account. Oddly that worked, but it also excluded me to participation.

Uploading images

Hi - trying to upload images but I'm getting an error message. I've checked resolution and file size and both were with limits. I get as far as selecting images, and clicking save. The upload bars for individual images move to 100% and each show as complete, but just under this area the following message appears:

"Validation error, please try again. If this error persists, please contact the site administrator."

anonymous visitors?

I was just wondering why when I click on my visitors I can often see "anonymous visited you" and im unable to click on there profile which doesn't exist - how is this possible that an unregistered member/guest can view my profile page? I assumed that if you were not registered you couldn't access anything on the site other than the main page

Curious issue

I appologise if this issue offends anybody but I am just wondering, is there any other Christians on here? I have actually ot in contact with a few others on other sites and through Emai and just wondered if there are anymore?


A new chat feature has been added to the site, it's under trial while I look at the server load it creates.

Use this forum thread to report any problems

There is a log of messages posted that can be accessed by a link at the bottom of the chat window

Problem with Muddy Locations Page

Seem to get an error message when clicking onto this page. Is it just me - or is this a general error on the site?

Have tried it now on a PC and on a Mac and get the same problem.Frustrated as want to get details of how to get to a location at Stapleford Quarry!


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