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UK Muddy Places

Muddy locations in the British Isles


Does anyone know of any good muddy locations in the Glasgow or South Lanarkshire are. Cheers.

South somerset

Anybody know any private spots around south somerset?


Who's been there...I hear a few guys went recently

Mucky spots Near Stoke on Trent

Hello I am Moving to Uni Near stoke on Trent and i was wondering if there was any Mucky spots near by.
I don't mind if it is mud or muck or manure or slurry. As long as it is safe and accessible.

Mud ot slurry

Hi is there anyone who is from hampshire or the new forest area who is willing to throw me in the mud or or slurry as im a complete virgin in more ways than 1 ,and would really like to be used and trashed on a farm or in the open ,any help would be great



does anyone know any secluded spots for some daytime muddy fun in the Canvey Island area?

Looks like there's plenty of mud around there, but looking for somewhere I can play without the risk of being seen.

Devon/Cornwall Mud

Any good places in Devon or Cornwall ?

Either estuary or inland parks etc

Going early September and would like to get muddy with a mate!

Any suggestions welcomed :-)

Wootton Bassett

Has anyone ever been?
What was their experience like and any tips?

Playground around Wareham

Does anyone knows any good muddy playground around Wareham...? Not to public at least wellydeep and not to hard to get to and with posibe parking... either in the swamplands or the tidal areas around...

Mud locations north west

Anyone know any good mud estuary places north west they could show me round suggest meet up?


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