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Offroad Mud
Aw! no wild and woolly this year
Submitted by southlondonmudboy on 28 December, 2023 - 20:13Apparently the owner cancelled at short notice and the organisers couldn't get another venue. Sad indeed.
Off-road trail or field I can use, atv trample and runover and co?
Submitted by Human-Speedbump on 23 December, 2023 - 23:14I was wanting to make some muddy movies of me getting trampled and runover in the mud with my atv and Jeep I am based in South Yorkshire. I don’t mind paying a farmer a little bit of cash to have access to a field for a few hours of fun wouldn’t make a mess :) it’s probably a long shot but wanted to ask! Also happy to meet anybody who will be interested in trampling in me or riding over me I got lots of experience and just love it! Both muddy or not :)
Muddy fun with a mountain bike wheel!
Submitted by Muddylevisjeans on 16 May, 2023 - 07:23Off Roading in Lincolnshire
Submitted by Will Farm Wellies on 9 March, 2022 - 22:25If anyone does go offroading to Tixover or anyother mud courses or green laning let me know. I want to get a ride in a truck. I live near Newark and Grantham.
Wild and Woolly 2021
Submitted by mbh on 19 October, 2021 - 07:43Good news from the Northampton motorcycles Club on there Facebook Page.
I've have some fantastic news and some news you all been waiting for , I have been working really hard in finding some land for the last 1.5 years and I have finally secured some land for the 2021 wild & woolly..
more information will be posted in the next few weeks on location and along with entries
So there will be a Wild and Woolly in 2021 , but location not yet know. I personal don’t think I’m going to be able to attend but hope all that those that do have a good muddy time.
Sudbury MCC Extreme Enduro
Submitted by mbh on 29 December, 2018 - 07:58Just seen this event on tomorrow Sunday 30th Dec 2018.
Any one been before any think like wild and woolly ?
International Ploughing Event N.Ireland Friday 29th September & Saturday 29th September starting around 09.00am until 5.00pm
Submitted by captainkirkni on 12 September, 2018 - 11:00Just a few lines if you would post these details in that N.Ireland are hosting the Ireland International Ploughing 2 day event from Friday 28th & Saturday 29th September and loads of mud lol and yes I will be there working away.
I will give you the full postal address: 50 Carmoney Rd, Eglinton, Londonderry BT47 3PH N.Ireland
From Don.
Midwest muddin?
Submitted by muddy4x4 on 18 November, 2015 - 00:00who here is in the Midwest USA? Looking for Offroad mud buddies.
Off Road/Trail Bike Clubs
Submitted by Countryside on 22 June, 2015 - 23:53Hi does anyone know of any off roading, trail bike clubs I could go along too in the UK?
Muddy bike ride? (London SE/NW Kent)
Submitted by muddyfunster on 2 January, 2013 - 20:31Anyone want to join me for a mountain bike ride on Saturday? I've got a route in mind to recce a few muddy places near the A20/Sidcup and Old Bexley.