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Euro Mud
Moving to Belgium
Submitted by Billpills on 13 July, 2024 - 13:18(**update, belgium**) Moving to near Brussels in September. Looking for some secluded fields with cowpats and farm mud. Anyone know a place or want to have some fun?
Looking for a muddy clay place in the surroundings of brussel or in belgium
Submitted by Mudlatex5030 on 24 June, 2024 - 18:53Hi guys
This year it had raining mens ;)
I'm looking for muddymates and for a muddy place in the surroundings of brussel or in Belgium.
Can you help me?
Thanks a lot
Ps you can reach me on mudboyuk but also on recon (mudlatex5030) and by sending me a mail (mudlatex5030@yahoo.com)
Somogybabod Off-Road Festival 2022 (Hungary)
Submitted by pisciatore on 27 May, 2022 - 10:29In a few days I will be at Somogybabod.
My plan is to be there from Wednesday 8th till Sunday 12th June
There may be small changes in program since I'll be traveling by car without a fixed itinerary or timing
I will definitely stay at the camping with my small tent (and maybe have the chance to share my space with a muddy lad)...
Any of you joining?
Mud in Poland
Submitted by MuddyBathLover on 27 March, 2022 - 01:09Hey, do You know any polish groups on facebook or forums where there are mud locations?
German muddy locations
Submitted by chickenhawk on 15 November, 2020 - 09:44I found this link, which lists muddy locations in Germany, posted on a Facebook group.
Submitted by chickenhawk on 12 June, 2020 - 19:34So who else is missing out on Somogybabod this year due to travel restrictions? As the event is still going ahead, if any of you are going, don't forget to post plenty of pictures and videos
Polish! How to find the best mud? /Polacy! Jak szukacie najlepszego błota?
Submitted by MuddyBathLover on 15 April, 2020 - 13:46How to find the best mud? I want to jumping into, cravling in to. And wallowing.
Mud in Poland
Submitted by mudkris on 14 September, 2019 - 21:48Hi!
I'm looking for some mudbuddies in Poland. It's hard to find someone who would like to meet and get muddy together. If you think the same please leave me a message!
Lab oratory
Submitted by Tomzefis on 12 August, 2019 - 00:05Hey guys... not mud related but i saw on the Lab Oratory website the Snax party wil be held on November 9... do u know if the club gonna be closed in October ?
Mud in The Netherlands
Submitted by sneaker on 17 July, 2019 - 18:40Hey Guys!
Ive been after this for years now, and want to do it sometime now.. Going in the mud completely, in some nice gear (MX, Rubber, Lycra, Sportswear etc.)
Does anyone know some good spots in The Netherlands? And maybe would like to join?
Thanks for letting me know!
Kind regards,Sneaker