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Help me!
Mud pit
Submitted by Jfromessex on 20 November, 2024 - 07:56Hey all
I’m wanna make a pit / pool in my garage
Nothing to complex just a wooden frame, and a pond liner
The question I have is what to fill it with - I want a clay like substance
I was thinking of going b&q and getting a load of plaster
Mixing it up and using that
But I’m not to sure if it’s a good idea
Any suggestions?
Mud locations greater Manchester
Submitted by mudlad82 on 17 March, 2024 - 13:25Not been out for years missing anyone know any update locations or even farms that are discreet greater mancs area or someone who has a farm we can play in
My Hiviz gear needs some attention!
Submitted by muddyoveralls90 on 3 October, 2022 - 02:29Can anyone recommend somewhere discreet with good mud in Essex and who would be up for joining me?
Am i gay for preferring to watch men in mud instead of women?
Submitted by Mudwallower on 9 May, 2022 - 15:44Im not sure if im gay but watching women in mud turns me off so im not sure why
Looking for someone to piss on me
Submitted by Jfromessex on 17 January, 2022 - 16:56Anyone near Essex that could help with this
Mud Vs OCD
Submitted by giggerty on 11 January, 2022 - 21:14Does anyone else like being really clean & tidy with things like - your house / car / regular clothes or anything else?
If you wish to share what it is please do so , id be interested to find out more about this contrast.
I LOVE mud - getting nearly any gear I own as muddy as possible , but I also LOVE a really neat tidy house - Car clean inside and out .
I don't quite understand the reasons why though.
OR if you love MUD and don't have this type of contrast - also interested in your thoughts as to why ?
Looking to get muddy
Submitted by mrgrot on 25 August, 2021 - 15:30Hey,
Not been on in a while, but want to get muddy with someone my age preferably (21-30). We go to a muddying spot help each other get unstuck, maybe more
Mud fun wanted
Submitted by qstedmud on 15 July, 2021 - 11:51I will be working away based in Tenby South Wales next week,and have got a day free on Friday 23rd July 2021. Is there anyone free and up for some mud fun (in quicksand, peatbog or mud) I will be based in Tenby but sadly no transport (except for public transport) and desperate for some fun. I will have some gear with me (wetsuit,wellies,waterproofs etc) I will be free for fun either/and Thursday eve and all day Friday. Be great to hear from anyone interested in some man sinking fun. Andrew.xx.
Mud session
Submitted by mrgrot on 30 May, 2021 - 07:42Hey, so I wrote something a while ago about starting out - I’d love to find someone close to my age to help me explore and get muddy I’m in the process of ordering some Hunter wellies really wanna get stuck in some mud any young lads wanna help me out?
Looking For Buddy In Ontario
Submitted by Redneckmudboy91 on 16 April, 2021 - 19:23Looking for buddy in Ontario