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How the hell do I find a farm? ;)
Hello friends, I am struggling to find a real farm or stables where I can get messy without being arrested!
Just as the title says. I look at the photos of you lovely people playing in slurry pits or submerged in deep, stinking farm mud and I can only ask - how on earth do you find these locations?
I have not got the balls to go up to a farm house and say 'hello there, I am into mess and would love to roll about on your muddy yard' as I have a feeling I would either get an arse full of shot or a pitchfork rammed where the sun doesn't shine (or more likely the local constabulary being called).
So, how do you find a location? I so want to find a farm or stables. To be honest I just want to find a muck heap and somewhere I can wash off (oh and someone who would help me get covered in muck, tractor grease and tar...)
Pretty please, can anyone help me?
Thank you in advance