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Post or link about boots/gear or gear that you are selling (ebay listing etc). This topic is for boots or other clothing that you are selling, or items you have seen for sale that you think other members might be interested in

Wild & Wolly 2015 Images

Wild & Wolly 2015 Images 

High Visibility Boilersuit

I know they aren't to everybody's taste being very bright and obviously noticeable but is it just me or are they really out of fashion these days? I personally haven't seen many wearing them for ages and there don't seem to be many on websites either. 

Any of you still got a pair you wear for fun? be it just in teh house for pleasure or out in the mud!

Hiding your gear

A friend who is on this site told me about the bad experience he had when he went to his mudding spot,  changed into his mudding gear, hid his "normal" clothes in what he thought was a safe place,  only for it to be stolen.

So how does one hide something safely where one will remember its location but make it unlikely that it will be found?



Does anyone know where GearFetish.com has disappeared to..?! 

Bison Mudmaster Wellies

Anyone know if there's anyone on line that still sells EU40 Yellow/Black Bison Mudmaster wellies?

Really looking for a pair, and although I've found one Italian store I'm not confident that they will be able to get them.Cheers :)


I love seeing guys getting down and dirty naked in mud whilst wearing boots and maybe boxers!!! Who else loves this ?? 

Footy kit

Does anyone enjoy getting filthy wearing footy kit, or even a footy shirt with joggers or trackies? Even better, while wearing designer pants underneath and clean, new, white trainers? Love the idea of lads getting filthy in kit, either playing a very muddy game of footy, going out somewhere muddy, or even getting messy some other way in their kit...

muddy rugby boots

Anyone remember having to wear these rugby boots at school? Clattering studs over the concrete when coming out of the changing room, only to sink into the squelching mud of the rugby pitch....

wanted --well worn hi vis trousers

wanted hi vis trousers --yellow or orange well worn --32 waist --please --any one got a pair for sale --mine totally trashed here  -- cheers


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