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Events and Meets
Muddy easter weekend?
Submitted by maletoy on 13 April, 2019 - 09:40Has anybody some dirty/muddy plans during the easter weekend? Any muddy events/parties?
Steppenbrand 12-14 July 2019
Submitted by Vincent_rubber on 6 April, 2019 - 16:57This will be the14th edition. Who has already been there? How is it and easy to reach?
Great off-road YouTube
Submitted by mbh on 11 March, 2019 - 22:18Great YouTube of Guys enjoying mud after off-Reading
I don’t have a 4 x4 , any surgestions of how to end at session like this ?
Mud party @ Lab.Oratory on May 18th
Submitted by Oli_Ffm on 11 March, 2019 - 20:42Hey guys,
Lab date is now online!First time for me @ Lab. Hope to see some folks from DREXX.
CU soon!Cheers
Mud or slurry locations
Submitted by Ashlovesmud on 10 March, 2019 - 15:39Anyone fancy meeting for mud and slurry fun in the east of England preferable Essex?
Drexx mudparty March 2019
Submitted by filthyleviboy on 12 January, 2019 - 08:30I am hoping to attend the above in March. Is anyone else going and what is it like.
somogybabod off-road festival 2019
Submitted by pisciatore on 7 January, 2019 - 13:59Hi All
Hopefully it is not too early to post this especially for those interested who may benefit for an early flight booking
Dates for the Somogybabod off-road festival have been just announced
It will be from June 6th till Sunday June 9th 2019
The link to the official Somogybabod FaceBook page is:
1 June 2019 - The Ranch Belgium
Submitted by Vincent_rubber on 6 January, 2019 - 07:02The ranch mud party plan for 2019 is to avoid the cold months. So the next date will be 25th May 2019 - edited: 1 june. Any mudder here?
Tough Mudder 2019
Submitted by chickenhawk on 17 December, 2018 - 20:14If you fancy getting muddy at a Tough Mudder event, but don't fancy running the course, you can always be a volunteer out on the course. Volunteer roles for 2019 have now been released, you'll need to sign up on the portal at https://mvp.rosterfy.co/portal.php then once your registration has been accepted you can log in and choose your roles. Volunteers get fed and watered throughout the day, plus there are various freebies available in the Mudder Village, some events even have free camping with hot showers available onsite.
Wild & Woolly 2018
Submitted by giggerty on 14 December, 2018 - 21:14Wild & Woolly 2018 is nearly here !
Unfortunatly i wont be able to make it this year .
After attending 3 years in a row i hope its as muddy a possible under the conditions, as we have had very little rain. The stream in the middle of the course at the water jumps / mud troughs should provide enough .
Please can someone take a GoPro camera or phone in a waterproof case to get decent pics.
I have helped provide pics of previous years asap after the event .