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Events and Meets

Use this forum to post muddy / fetish meetings and events, a day out playing in the mud etc.

March 2017 mud party at Drexx in Essen

Looks like the next Drexx mud orgy will be 18 March 2017.... :-)

West Sussex -

Hi Guys, I have recently moved to the area from the North east ( North Yorkshire ) area and while here I am looking for good locations and like minded guys to enjoy deep down and full messy mud fun with, anyone know of any good locations in the West Sussex area?

Wild & Wolly Motocross Scramble

Who is going to the Wild & Wolly Motocross Scramble in Northamptonshire this year - Boxing Day 10am

Anyone in Wales

Live in Swansea.

Looking for meets and areas to go mudding.
Into boots,army gear, hi viz gear, trackies.
Love to get covered everywhere!!
Anyone out there let me know

isle of wight

Hi all

Anyone on the Isle of Wight know of any good mudding spots or fancy meeting going to be over for a few days but only vlavailabke in the evenings.
Let us know 

Mud-Party in Belgium

Hi guys, at TheRanch in Tournai is next weekend a mudparty. I go there, it's a nice place and nice guys. 

meet up with like minded lads

Alrite ladz!!! single again afta 2 years of hell, if anyone want to meet up again being winter time soon, message me and we can sort summit out like,
i know some of you lads are far away, so if ya can accommodate or hotel room then cool with me
can any ladz who have been on ere for a while recommend any new really muddy places then this would be cool to know, let me ave co ordinates so i can check it out


Gay campground with an unofficial mud pit...

I had a lot of fun with a lot of work making mud in the dryish pit at Freedom Valley this past week. got to meet two other mudders and play.
One of the owners is interested in setting up a mud weekend nest summer. I would like to know how much interest there is to communicate with them. I would like to know by August 15th please.


Tough Mudder Yorkshire

a couple of mud buddies are volunteering at tough mudder Yorkshire next weekend (Aug 7).  Anyone else going to be there? 

Teesside / north-east mud

Anyone in or around Teesside Friday 29th July for mud play? 

Mud walk, mud play/wrestle- game for owt


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