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Events and Meets
Mud Party Paris
Submitted by mudmoose on 7 September, 2009 - 21:09There is a Mud Party at the Glove in Paris on Saturday 17th October. www.th-glove.com
lookin for mud sites round mcr/north west area
Submitted by Anonymous on 3 August, 2009 - 15:35yesterday me and another guy off this site tried a few places that have been mentioned on here.one of the sites were'nt so bad,the other a dissapointment,the other two we could'nt have been that far out,but again could'nt get to.one of the sites we went to was leigh mud quarry and the only place we could pull up was on a private road,so we gingerly made our way in but this was concrete based and there was'nt much there in way of mud,wether we went in right way or not is a mystery,but lads u better have good excuses as we got pulled up after on our way back so be prepared!!the ribble was
Mud mates in Surrey/Hants
Submitted by mudlad on 23 June, 2009 - 07:39Lads - new to mud, had some fun on my own, but lookin for any local mates who I can get muddy with? Anyone?
mud slave needs mud master
Submitted by mud_ndp on 19 June, 2009 - 19:52Any mud boys out their wantng a horny mud slave to play in the deep gunk for them?
Submitted by muddyboots on 23 May, 2009 - 18:28So who else took advantage of the fantastic weather today to go muddin?
Muddy Event Organisation
Submitted by mudboy on 17 May, 2009 - 23:34Future 'event' feature
Thinking about organising events for mudboyuk.com members I planning to add event organisation features to the site. Below are some thoughts about how events can be arranged. There are lots of options and I'd like some feedback from both people who would plan events and people who might be interested in attending.
Anyone in Norfolk?
Submitted by Anonymous on 10 May, 2009 - 02:34I am looking for first time fun in norfolk if anyone is interested?! i know a few places to go but dare not go on my own!!
Thames mud meet
Submitted by chickenhawk on 25 April, 2009 - 14:09Hi Lads,
I'm working in Bexley this Tues (28th April) and stopping over, anyone up for a meet on the Thames estuary Tues eve?
mud meet up this weekend sunday sunday 26th april
Submitted by ritchiegregson on 24 April, 2009 - 18:38any young lads which have not had much experience with getting dirty and muddy in gear and wants to meet up this sunday 26th april then feel free to join myself and another scally lad
bring work gear wellies or wear mine sz 9 /10.
message me via this site lads.
cheers for now
Mud Fun for First Timer.
Submitted by kev24 on 7 April, 2009 - 19:27Hey. New-ish to this. None of my friends are into mud etc like me, so I'm looking for other lads in the Middlesbrough/North East are who are up for some mud fun.
I've not got completely covered before but DYING to try it with some good lads. Any offers?