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Events and Meets

Use this forum to post muddy / fetish meetings and events, a day out playing in the mud etc.

West Midlands Mud

Just wondering if anyone has tried out the various quarries around the Birmingham area; or know of any mud spots? I havent been muddy for ages and its about time i was! I just cant be botered to travel too far!

Any ideas guys?

In Hinckley looking for mud this weekend

Staying at a hotel and leaving on Monday, bored and looking to get covered in mud for the hot weekend. Any suggestions? Up for hooking up with someone for some play if they can pick up. Big Chub, 24yo

Muddy Weekend in GA - 6/15 - 6/17

I'm meeting up with two other mudbuds for a "dirty weekend" at RiversEdge campground in north-central GA (90 miles north of Atlanta). We muck up a nice little pit near the stream, and play in it for the weekend.Top quality, smooth GA red clay, and since it's a private gay campgrounds, you can really let loose and enjoy. The more the muddier, so if anyone here is near, let me know.

From Northern Ireland

Why is it the lads on the mainland UK seem to have most lads keen to meet up and go out playing!!! Yet N.Ireland has more muddy places  and yet it would appear we cant meet up over here and have a ball in the mud!! Come you NI lads write something up and lets get a meet and have some fun before the summer month  come to an end. :)

PS: I know of loads of places we can much about :)

From D N.Ireland

Nova Scotia

Any body from Nova Scotia or Maritime Provinces into rubberboots or hip boots?Let me know. toob54@yahoo.ca

World Pride

Are any of the gay members of this group  (which is most of us, isn't it?) going to pride this year?   I can bring shed loads of pictures with me, if I think there would be any point in doing so

Mud Party Brazil

Hello guys, some Brazilian in this site to try to organize a mud party? I live in Porto Alegre-RS and I have the greatest fetish mud. I see various meetings abroad and I would like to participate one here in Brazil. Anyone interested? If any foreigner in Brazil, are welcome. Hugs to all.

Drexx Mud and Work Kit Party

Train and hotel booked for The Drexx's Mud and Work kit party, over the weekend of 9/10th June.

For those of you who haven't played in mud before and are too nervous about going public, this is great way to get introduced to mud fun and in a safe environment. 
There seems to be a nice little group of Mudboy's going so, also a good way to put faces to names.
Cheers guys

ant to get muddy in manchester

any guys in manchester want to get muddy in their wellies with me ? im a newbie mud fan haven't done it since i was a kid at school and find it such a turn on and horny , got some century wellies that need to get filthy any offers ?

Ashbourne Ball Game

Ashbourne Ball Game next week Tuesday and Wednesday


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