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Events and Meets
Manchester mud & manure
Submitted by Mattmud87 on 29 October, 2013 - 22:04I want fun in mud, manure or both in the North West, who's around? Make yourselves known!
new to mud exploring - anyone up to help explore
Submitted by archernx1 on 23 October, 2013 - 09:18I am based in Cheshire, I drive and keen to explore regards the whole mud adventure. Never done before, so up to explore with guys in cheshire, great manchester, merseyside or further a field if you can accommodate.
SLOSH Slapstick Night
Submitted by bankrupt0000 on 21 September, 2013 - 10:10I don't know how many of you mudders in here happen to be into gunge as well, but just to let you know that the SLOSH group is hosing an open-house event in Birmingham on 5th October. It's based around messy games, sketches with lots of audience participation.
if anyone is interested, the link is here: https://slosh.org.uk/ojs
Feel free to ask any questions, as I will be the host for the night!
Lets get muddy tonight
Submitted by Nelly on 2 September, 2013 - 16:31Any one want to meet up in West Sussex
Submitted by fredd1969 on 30 August, 2013 - 16:46Hi
Anyone fancy Winterhill/Rivington in Lancs.
mudding in PA this weekend.
Submitted by DCMudpuppy on 22 August, 2013 - 21:18He guys - I'm thinking of heading to a spot I like near York PA this Sunday, or Monday if need be. Nice, private spot, good mud, and stream water for clean up. Summer waning there, so not many more chances for that.
If interested, let me know. Cheers!
The Lab-Mud Party
Submitted by Mucky mind on 13 August, 2013 - 16:18Hi Guys
At last, The Lab, in Berlin, has announced the next Mud party on Sat 26th October. There is no mention of a Sunday party though but happy enough with the Saturday night party. Always well worth it ;-)
Mud Party Laboratory
Submitted by mudmoose on 12 August, 2013 - 14:18The laboratory in Berlin have just posted a Mud Party for Saturday 26th October (that's all that is shown for October), hopefully there will be another party the following day.
Ribble session
Submitted by chickenhawk on 4 August, 2013 - 22:09Hi all
I'm looking to go and get muddy on the Ribble estuary on Sunday 18th Aug, low tide is about 4pm, who fancies joining me? Looking for about 2 or 3 lads to join me, don't want too many so as not to attract too much attention...
Norfolk meets
Submitted by norfolkNman on 4 August, 2013 - 20:15Still lookin for a meet in the Norfolk area, i can travel around, but ive yet to find anyone pervy enough to go with me!