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Events and Meets
Ireland, Dublin. First Timer
Submitted by irishmudder on 9 August, 2015 - 23:21Hey lads, anyone here willing to show a first timer a good place and possibly a good time? I'm based in the Dublin area
First timer
Submitted by nik-ster on 7 August, 2015 - 17:52hi guys, looking to arrange getting muddy for the first time with someone somewhere. Could anyone let me know if thy are around Herts/Beds/Bucks and would be after showing me how to have fun?
Mud Party in October at Drexx
Submitted by mudmoose on 20 June, 2015 - 21:49When I was at Drexx for their Mud Parties in March, I suggested that they have another one in October. They have just e-mailed to say that there will be Mud Parties on 17th and 18th October this year. They will be publishing it in the next few days. I told them we needed plenty of advance notice and they have done it this time.
nr Bridgewater
Submitted by joedeep130535 on 25 May, 2015 - 17:06there is a mudding session on the estuary nr Bridgewater at the end of the month--see several posts under recent comments Would be very interested in going to this for one day anyway,probably can't manage longer Would someone give me details? so I can join in? Go to Huntspill pretty often & would love to go to this Many thanks Joe
Mudding in southeastern PA
Submitted by DCMudpuppy on 20 May, 2015 - 16:56I have to be in Towson, MD in June, the night of June 12, and am thinking of heading up for some mid-day mud-play at a spot along the Susquehanna near the town of York Haven, not far from Interstate I-83. Planning to get there around 11 AM or so, and leaving at around 2:30. This spot always has good mud, is near the road, is NOT on someone's private property, and is along a stream for easy clean-up. Been WAY too long since I have been in the mud, and would love some company.
Oxfordshire Mud Fun
Submitted by Countryside on 5 May, 2015 - 19:19I am looking for anyone in Oxfordshire and surrounding counties to have mud fun with, I will meet people from other parts of the country when I can but it would be good to see if there is anyone on Mudboys from my area who can meet up on a regular basis. Let me know
XXmud @ DREXX, Essen, Germany, March 14, 2015
Submitted by NordicByNature on 31 January, 2015 - 02:49Just for you guys to know: DREXX has only recently announced the date of the next XXmud event. I was there once and it was great fun.
For more details look at http://www.drexx.de - Dates
Slurry Dirty Fun Midlands
Submitted by Derbyshiregunge on 1 January, 2015 - 17:29Hello looking for slurry lovers in The Midlands Derbyshire, i know a place thats ok but looking for a farmer who can host . Drop me a message no timewasters , i travel or we can go to my location but its better at a farm
Mud Party the Lab
Submitted by mudmoose on 5 December, 2014 - 10:24The Lab have shown a Mud Party for Saturday 30th May 2015, nothing shown for the following day though, but it's early days yet. It makes a change for the Lab to post their agenda so far ahead. They just seem to have put selective parties for April and May on their site at the moment,
29/11/2014 saturday WARM mudparty
Submitted by theranch on 24 November, 2014 - 08:42THE RANCH ... your location to experiment & believe your secret fetishes & fantaisies ...!
29/11/2014 saturday WARM mudparty (new installation)
Door open from 21 h
Intrence 10€