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Events and Meets

Use this forum to post muddy / fetish meetings and events, a day out playing in the mud etc.

Mud fun?

Got some free time during the coming week. Anybody up for some mud fun somewhere in the UK? HA!

Mud Party at theRanch in Belgium

Hey guyz there's a mud party on the 10/08 in south of belgium at a place called the Ranch ! 

i went there last time and it was very cool.Also they do bed and breakfast so you guyz can directly stay there!! 
They have a group on gayromeo called : theRanch

workie gear group fun

Hi guys am looking to organise a group workie session, Ideally looking for masculine,muscled guys into thier workie gear, trackies riggers etc. also need to find a location in or around Liverpool/lancashire/wales or maybe yorkshire.  If interested pls message me asap.

Mud Party at Drexx

There is a Mud Party at Drexx on Saturday 28th September and a follow up on Sunday afternoon 29th September.

Skype sharing

I have been having many fantastic meeting with Mudboys on Skype - do any other mudboys wanna share some fun webcam to webcam on Skype cos not all of us are close enough to meet up ?????

I play mine through my 60" TV so my conferencing is larger than life yeah - action in my living room close up - no need to type as we all have microphones so our hands are free to wander.

We've been trying on different outfits, pissing, adding custard and other mess into our outfits and chatting about different mudding ideas while making lots of cream together yeah. 

9th steppenbrand 2013

Hi Guys

One of the best meeting with lots of mud games opening soon:


I'll attend from Thursday 11th till Sunday  14th

hope to see you all there for a lot of fun

First PA meet-up for 2013......

Planning a trip to my favorite spot near York, PA for the first mudding of 2013 (for me anyway). Weather/ground temps FINALLY warming up now......

Date: Saturday - 6/29.

Let me know if interested.

Tough Mudder, Winchester, 8-9/6

I found "Tough Mudder" a while back & was surprised it wasn't mentioned on any page here.  It seems to be a very serious though non-competitive assault-course event for seriously fit men, not as mud-centred as the name suggests & certainly not fetishistic
- but still, it looked like a marvellous spectator sport for us.

Norfolk Mud 30th May


Might have a free day this Thursday so thinking about spending it exploring the mud on North Norfolk Coast. Weather's not looking that great but hoping to at least check out some locations for later in the summer. And once I see it I'm sure I'll warm up enough to dive on in... Anyone want to join me?

Muddy meet, weekend of 17 to 20 May

I'm travelling from Manchester to north east Norfolk on Friday 17th May for a mucky weekend on a farm, then travelling home again on Monday 20th. If anyone fancies meeting up en route to get muddy in their favourite location then get in touch, I don't mind a bit of a diversion for some decent mud.

If you're local you might even be able to join us on the farm...


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