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Events and Meets

Use this forum to post muddy / fetish meetings and events, a day out playing in the mud etc.

Mud Party

There is a Mud Party at the Glove in Paris on Saturday 31st March.

Looking to meet up

'Straight' rough lad living in Derbyshire / Peak District area, looking to make new friends with similar lads. Check our my profile and then if interested contact!

good places in sutton park

does anybody know any good places in sutton park where its muddy 

Anyone want to meet for mud fun in Teeside region?

Fancy meeting up for some mud fun in Teeside area. How about muddy football or practice rugby tackling skills or even wrestling! 

Mud in teeside

Anybody up for a muddy meet in teeside area. Maybe mud rugby at wrestling. Perfect weather for it.

Lads from N.Ireland ( Mud Fun Over Christmad Break

Any decent lads up  for a mud meet  from N.Ireland over the christmas break.

Drop me a line.

sutton park sunday

i will be getting muddy in my usual spot in sutton park on sunday morning, would like someone to take some decent pics

sutton park wednesday

am off work wednesday and plan to go and get muddy in a spot i know in sutton park near birmingham, woukld be happy for someone to join me



Anyone fancy a muddy outing on winterhill near bolton if so get in touch.

Mud Party at the Glove in Paris on saturday the 5th of November 2011

The next Mud Party at the Glove in Paris will take place on the 5th of November 2011 at 22:00 (10:00 PM)

34 rue Charlot

75003 Paris FRANCE
Tel. +33(0)148873136


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