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Events and Meets
Mud Party
Submitted by mudmoose on 24 February, 2011 - 22:59There is another Mud Party at Drexx in Germany on Sat/Sun 18th/19th June 2011.
mud this friday
Submitted by Anonymous on 9 February, 2011 - 23:15Anyone up for a mud session this friday afternoon near leeds or Hull?? have not got muddy for a while and have some trackies/footy shirt to trash!!
Mates in Hants/Berks/Surrey
Submitted by mudlad on 6 February, 2011 - 11:01Guys - really lookin for messy mudmates or anything round Hants/Berks/Surrey.
Pretty new to it and looking to have some muddy fun. Up for anything.
Mud/face sink
Submitted by Anonymous on 2 January, 2011 - 12:47i'm desperately trying to find someone who is capable of filming themselves lying in mud/gunge, with their face sinking underneath it, just like an actor does in the opening scene of the film Diamonds Are Forever. could u help me find someone who has access to mud pits, or enough gunge, to be able to do this?
Submitted by Anonymous on 24 December, 2010 - 05:54I am based in South Wales - anyone up for meets - can nt accomodate but can travel uk wide - if you want to meet drop me a line
Winter Mud
Submitted by Muddy Matt on 20 December, 2010 - 15:51Hi everyone now that UK is in its big freeze just wondered if there are any guys out there trying to get muddy or has the entire fun grinded to a holt! I've tried to find some mud on several occasions and have been out of luck.
I've changed over from mud to gunge which equally as much fun, what about the rest of us what are we all doin in these cold times?
Looking to meet / scrappin in mud ....
Submitted by Riggers99 on 2 November, 2010 - 22:55Looking to meet like-minded lads in Derbyshire, Cheshire, Staffordshire, Greater Manchester. Check out my profile.
Anyone in Birmingham/Worcestershire?
Submitted by Anonymous on 2 November, 2010 - 21:35Have got messy before in gunge terms, would love to give mud a try though!!!
Would love to be introduced to the mud by someone :D Up for getting messy in trackies or whatever really :P
Yorkshire mud
Submitted by Anonymous on 28 October, 2010 - 00:44I've got a football kit and shiny adidas trackies in need of mud this weekend.Anyone up for meeting??
Muddy meet sth yorks
Submitted by Muddyyfrontsguy on 23 October, 2010 - 11:17Anyone up 4 a meet sun 24th oct, 9am near rotherham, email me beefysportslad@yahoo.co.uk asap. Dave