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Events and Meets

Use this forum to post muddy / fetish meetings and events, a day out playing in the mud etc.

Meet up

Lookin to make friends and meet up wi lads in the north west. Check out my profile and get in touch if intrested.

mud sites & possible meet

I am going to be in Barton on Sea/Highcliffe area on Fri 22nd round midday Is there still good mud on the cliffs? Is anyone up for a meet?  I would be wearing a wetsuit & would love a buddy to show the best mud & join me in a session

Lookin for mud

Warm weather in the UK this weekend, probably the last one of the year. Anyone up for a meet??

Mud Party in Paris

On October 16, there will be a new Mud Party at The Glove in Paris. 


I will go there. Who will come?


meet up midlands area or new location

any lads wanting to meet up in next few weeks get in touch as i am off work now for next few months, be good to meet up with like minded lads where not had time before with work commitments.
cheers email on this site. laterz lads


Does anyone stop getting dirty n wet outside when it starts getting a bit colder? Does it affect your choice of clothing to get muddy in? :) Would be interested to hear what ppl think, as I kinda like it when it starts getting a bit nippier and there are far less people around to see what you are up to hehe.

I'm in the Lancs/Manc area so it tends to get cold n wet rapidly around here!

Mud Party Paris

There is another Mud Party at the Glove in Paris on Saturday 16th October

4x4 site at frickley

Anyone in the south yorkshire area on this site who has a 4x4 who likes getting wet n muddy & wants a mate to go with him & been to frickley which is pretty good, contact me please as wud to lie to go again but i dont have a 4x4 worst luck, been before with a mate with his landie but does not go anymore worst luck, am near doncaster & gettin withdrawal symptoms..


Mud session Yorkshire/Manchester area

Anyone up for a serious mud session before weather gets too cold, I'm 27 & into muddy footy kit/trackies....

Steppenbrand Biker Meet

Has anyone found pix of this year's Steppenbrand Meeting?  I've wanted to go for several years but it's so bloody far from the UK.  Anyone been?  got Pix?  Mudmax


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