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Events and Meets

Use this forum to post muddy / fetish meetings and events, a day out playing in the mud etc.

Pre - Mud Meet up "Teesside"

Tho people have said yes to coming to the muddy teessside meet up inthe billingham greatham creek Im wondering if any
local fancys a local meet up while we are having such good weather where we can meet up say hi then get totally covered and lay out in the sun and dry before going back for more?

Any takers ??

kent mud guys?

Hi guys, just on the lookout for any one in south east kent  into deep mud fun...sane and sensible guy (with other fetish interests too!) would love to make contact for some messy times now the sun is shining. say hello.

German parties

anyone interested in coming along with me to the mud party at Drexx in Essen on 16th June, or Steppenbrand weekend in July, please message me.

Estuary mud lycra moto x London Essex

This Tuesday I'm heading out to some estuary mud on the Essex coast to have some fun in my lycra moto x trials suit. Anyone want to come?!

Algum brasileiro nesta comunidade? (someone brazilian in this community?)

Olá, sou brasileiro e gostaria de conhecer outros brasileiro desta comunidade.

Hello, I am Brazilian and would like to meet other Brazilian this community.

Hugs .... Milico.

Mud Party

There is a Mud Party at the Glove in Paris on Saturday 16th April.   It appears though that the Laboratory in Berlin is not having its usual May Mud Party.

Meet up 4 mud

Any lads meeting up for mud anytime. I can travel to meet

Mud Weekend in TX

Circle J Campground in TX is having another mud weekend May 20-22. This is a gay campgrounds about 90 miles from Dallas. Probably about hour+ drive from DAL (Love Field) airport. www.campcirclej.com Nice, decent sized mudpit (about 20-25 ft. diameter), and depth ranges from knee to waste deep. Consistently is red clay with just a LITTLE bit of sand, not gritty or abrasive though. I went to this in 2009 and had a blast. It is also adjacent to a pond for easy clean-up. Outdoor hot showers also if you prefer.

North Yorkshire Mud/ Gunge Meet

Oi Lads cheers for the warm welcome to the site by the way, ok Im asking around with local lads from the North east and North yorkshire area as far as down as leeds, if either anyone knows of any place good to have a mud/ gunge meet up and play or does anyone want a full coverage meet up.

Ive not yet been messed up this year due to weather being a tad cold out tho I know of a few local places near me I can use, I sadly have no local mud brothers to play with or help with taking pic's.



Does anyone know of any good spots in the Birmingham area, in which to get muddy? Or for that matter, is there anyone in Birmingham into mud too?


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