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Events and Meets
Mud fun tonight!!
Submitted by manureboy on 2 May, 2010 - 15:06any lads near liverpool up f some mud fun tnight? im proper gaggin for it lads
Texas Mud Wrestling
Submitted by DCMudpuppy on 4 April, 2010 - 01:09There will be another mud-wrestling weekend at Circle J in Eustace, TX on the 11th - 13th of June. Circle J Ranch and Cattle Company is a gay-owned campground, they had this event last year, and it was great.
A good sized (about 18 feet round) "natural inground" mudpit with red clay. It has a little sand, but is still quite smooth. It is adjacent to a large pond, and by summer the water is warm.
There is some serious wrestling, but much other mudplay goes on from there. Last year tiki torches were put out on both nights, long evening/late night wallows were great.
MudParties at Drexx (Essen) 2010
Submitted by Anonymous on 1 April, 2010 - 10:46Not sure I put this in the right place so here it is again: there will be two mudparties at Drexx (Essen in W Germany) 26/27 June 2010. Saturday night is the main party then there's an Industrial party on the Sunday afternoon in the filth from the night before. Very horny! We went last year and the turn-out was a bit disappointing but it was their first and the mud was fantastic. Come along for the fun this year. Mudmax
Muddy lycra - south east
Submitted by Anonymous on 21 March, 2010 - 23:15Hello, London based guy into mud and lycra (and nylon shorts), especially estuary mud (plenty of that on the Thames estuary and Essex and north Kent coast). Looking for guys who aren't too much older than me (25) to get muddy with now spring is coming. Beginners welcome!!
Berlin Mud Party
Submitted by muddyboots on 21 March, 2010 - 18:46The Lab.orotory website has been update and the mud Party is on 29 May.
Anyone else going?
Mud party in Berlin 29 May
Submitted by coverme on 21 March, 2010 - 13:43Laboratory in Berlin has updated its website and is advertising a mud party on 29 May. http://www.lab-oratory.de
Getting muddy with a Belgian guy
Submitted by moddermonster on 7 March, 2010 - 21:25Hello, I'm a guy from Belgium and i'm happen to be in the uk during the weekend of april 17 & 18.
Is there someone I can get muddy with on that weekend?
Or messy if you like foodplay as well?
Submitted by greedy lust123 on 10 January, 2010 - 17:47who up for muddy fun in shorts this year 2010, I live in milton keynes i am 38, chubby build
Herts Mud
Submitted by Anonymous on 6 November, 2009 - 16:08Wheres good around north herts for mud play?
North East/Newcastle Mud Fun
Submitted by geordieant on 15 October, 2009 - 01:47Is anyone from Newcastle/North East up for getting dirty with me + others? I live in the city so I don't know a muddy place nor can host :( But would love to get down and dirty with some guys who can host!
I'm not into just getting ma boots dirty - I'm into the whole thing!
Get in touch if ya fancy it ;)