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Events and Meets

Use this forum to post muddy / fetish meetings and events, a day out playing in the mud etc.

Mud Party @ The Lab

Hi Guys

One of the best mud parties coming up in Berlin at
Saturday and Sunday 25th/26th May

dublin lads (ireland)

hi any Irish lads out there. Wana hook up for fun in mud in gear and wellies please leave a message to me R comment on this fourm I na a good spot to go to im from. Dublin and U cn see pics of me on recon name there is rubberboi36 get bk lads :-) my phone number is 087 6741011 if U wana ring me

Next Lab.Oratory Mud Date


Lab.Oratory in Berlin has announced for the 17th of March:

the after-mud-dirthole-piss-fuck

Is this about mud or scat?

GrungeGuys Gathering 2013 4th of July Weekend

Register now at GrungeGuys.com. Come play with a couple dozen dirty wet gear-buds in the mud, creek, lube, and recycled beverages.  Stay as grunged as you like for 4 days, camping out in the Sierra foothills.  Great food, great company.  Check out previous Gathering pics on line.

- Tim   aka BikrCowboy


Mudweekend at DREXX

As promised: Mudweekend in spring at DREXX :-)

02.03.2013 20h DREXXmud
03.03.2013 16h DREXXschweine



And don´t miss our Pig-Prod-Weekend in February:


See you in Essen | Germany

Mudwrestling video

LOoking for a tough and quite young bloke for making a mudwrestling video

Recently Moved South

Ive recently moved to Bishops stortford in hertfordshire and was wondering if there were any people in or around the area that would like to maybe chat or meet up at some point.

Ive only been mudding once and i loved every minute of it and would love to do it again some time. I dont really know of any good places round here and im a bit nervous going on my own (especially since im still learning the area) so id prefer to tag along with someone if they dont mind. Plus id love to get to know some new people around this area :-) 

Somerset mud meeting 25th to 28th October

There are now several guys attending the next successful follow-up to the first mud meeting organised by hungdungdung Simon, near Taunton, Somerset, just off the A30 or M5 depending on how you wish to arrive, nearest airport/s Exeter & Bristol, nearest train / coach stations at Taunton. 

Mud Party in Berlin

There is a Mud Party at the Laboratory in Berlin on Saturday 27th October followed by an after Mud Party the following day.

Leeds fest

Will be at leeds fest from friday to monday if any one is going and wants to get muddy send me a private message and will sort something out will have phone with me at some point if you leave me your mobile number could always txt you


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