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Events and Meets
Steppenbrand 2017
Submitted by pisciatore on 27 June, 2017 - 07:15I'm leaving in few day to the 13th Steppenbrand 2017
more info:
anyone going?
Midlands area this weekend
Submitted by pissboi on 23 June, 2017 - 21:48anyone interested in meeting up this weekend in or around midlands area please message me. In Brum but happy to travel. Also looking for suggestions for good sites in the area.
Wales Hookups
Submitted by Wellie_Mud_Pig on 10 June, 2017 - 17:42Anyone in Wales on here up for a meet at all?
Skype group
Submitted by Allmuddy24 on 31 March, 2017 - 19:58Wonder what you guys think of creating a Skype group? So we can all be on together and have the same interests and have vid chat too??? My Skype is live:shortfuse7_1 if you feel like adding me I'll be admin and I'll create the group. When adding please add the comment IMUD then I know your from here.
Submitted by gazzamudcub on 27 March, 2017 - 22:53im determined not to have another dry summer,.. so was just checking in to see if there are any deep sinkers that fancy meeting for fun and exploration for places to go,.. i know of a few - but there some hours drive away, and i dont have a car, so a fellow deep sinker whos not afraid to get under with a car and an appetite for exploring potential places around the uk would be great
feel free to message
Yorkshire March 18-19
Submitted by wetshaun on 17 March, 2017 - 11:35Anyone local to Yorkshire up for some mud fun this weekend(march 18-19) Know of anywhere good?
Mud Party at the Lab
Submitted by mudmoose on 8 March, 2017 - 21:40 The Laboratory in Berlin have just posted a Mud Party on Sat 29th July, nothing else is shown for that month, but I hope they have a follow up party the following day.
Anyone going to the Mud Party at Drexx this month, don't forget to reserve with them.
Somogybabod 2017
Submitted by chickenhawk on 5 February, 2017 - 22:35Have any of the UK members made the trek to Hungary for the Somogybabod offroading event? I've always enjoyed the pics and vids from this event, especially the ones with the lads rolling around in the mudpit.
I fancy going along this year, so if any lads from the UK are interested in going, please message me so we can get something arranged. This year's event is the first weekend in June.
Shoxboy meet
Submitted by Mudvirginshane on 26 January, 2017 - 19:34Considering a meet up with shoxboy. I'm pretty inexperienced so just wondering if it's worth it and what he's like as a guy? He seems pretty cool so far :D
Shrove Tuesday Football
Submitted by mbh on 17 January, 2017 - 16:38Shrove Tuesday Football.
There is a couple of games of Shrove Tuesday Football , which look like they offer the chance to get nice muddy and wet. Ive been thinking of going for a number of years not still not made it, also looks to physical for me.
Ashburton Derbyshire
Game played over two days , both goals are only accesable from in the river. No limit on number of players