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Events and Meets

Use this forum to post muddy / fetish meetings and events, a day out playing in the mud etc.

Gonna get muddy Friday need votes

So I'm gonna get muddy on a farmers field on Friday night and need to know what to wear for it. I will post pics of before and after as its quite open and near a road so I wont be able to take during as i don't want to be seen. 

Mud Party at the Lab

The Laboratory have just published their dates until November and there is a Mud Party on Saturday 30th July and an after Mud Party the following day.


Hi lads looking for kik mates for chats and pic swaps and meets. My addy is shortfuse1982 msg me that ur from here. Can't wait to hear from u. 

October Mud Party at Drexx

Just returned from another two great mud parties at Drexx.   The next Mud Parties there will be on 29/30th October 2016.

The Lab

The Lab has finally updated their web-site to July and no Mud Party, just the Scat parties on the usual week-end of the Mud Parties in May .   At least I'm off to Drexx this week-end.

July mud in Ohio

My Hubby and I are going to be staying at Freedom Valley Campgrounds Wednesday July 20th thru the 31st. The camp is bordered by the Vermillion river in North central Ohio in New London near Fitchville. There is a small area 10'x30' which collects rain and river overflow and is clay about a foot or more deep. I got ten other campers to join me last year on four separate occasions a few at a time. It would be great to meet some fellow MUDDERS there!



Really late notice but any north east mudders?

Very late notice but any north east lads know anywhere to go and get muddy tonight I'm well up for it 

Next Mud Party at Drexx

Just returned from another great mud party at the Drexx.

They have listened to us and have arranged Mud Parties for 19th and 20th March 2016, so there is plenty of time to book for cheap flights and accomodation.   These parties should not conflict with the Lab which usually holds theirs at the end of May.


Muddy meet in Lincoln ???

Mud buddy

Hi all looking for mud buddies in around worcestershire.

Rubbereva@ inbox.com


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