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Events and Meets
Help me get muddy ~properly~ for the first time
Submitted by Tarred on 7 April, 2018 - 15:29Hello friends
I have been messy and muddy, sinking in mud to my knees but feel I want someone who can help me plan and accomplish a proper messy session. I want to be a total messy slag - deep mud, manure, slurry, grease, paint... I just need someone to help me.
I am based in the North West near Lytham (I know there are mud flats near by but have not explored as yet) - but I can travel. I would love some help and advice to help me go beyond the pretty basic mess I have done to date...
Thank you
Mud party @ Lab.Oratory on June 16th
Submitted by pisciatore on 8 March, 2018 - 16:10I just read there will be a mud party at Lab.Oratory in Berlin
The usual "sink hole" party will follow on Sunday 17th
Mud Party @ The Ranch on May 26th 2018
Submitted by Vincent_rubber on 27 February, 2018 - 09:20Meet the muddy creature and come with me under the mud.
No Mud Party at Drexx this Spring
Submitted by mudmoose on 16 January, 2018 - 21:54Just been informed by Drexx that there will not be a Mud Party this Spring. There may be one in October and if so they will publish the date in March. I suppose not enough guys attended to warrant two parties per year.
Mud Party @ The Ranch on Feb 24th 2018
Submitted by pisciatore on 11 January, 2018 - 06:33The Ranch just announced a mud Party on February 24th 2018 @ 9.00 pm
Anyone going?
I just got a Ryanair flight to Belgium
Mud and manure in the north east
Submitted by Mattmud87 on 29 December, 2017 - 15:44Over the next few months at weekends I should be in the north east a lot, Teesside area. If anyone’s interested I know of great mud spots, but also a couple of slurry pits/lagoons and also fields full of glorious manure & mud. If anyone wants to join me when the weather gets a bit milder drop me a message!
West country mud this Friday
Submitted by chickenhawk on 27 September, 2017 - 15:09I'm heading to the west country this weekend and hoping to have a bit of mud fun around Weston-super-Mare or Brean on Friday, I know it's short notice, but I wondered if anyone fancies joining me
Tough Mudder Events
Submitted by giggerty on 4 August, 2017 - 23:11Tough Mudder Skipton Yorkshire was an awesome weekend , not just running the course but volutering and seeing loads of great sights the following day as well ..! ;-)
Any one been to any this year , spectated , participated , volunteered ?
Any future plans to go to one of the event wkends ?
Mudparty Drexx October 14
Submitted by bootsbastard on 29 June, 2017 - 15:31Mudparty at Saturday October 14
Leftovers Sunday October 15 afternoon.
Submitted by loopydoo on 28 June, 2017 - 12:45Anyone in Newcastle or know anyone good muddy spots in Newcastle going to be up there for a month :)