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Events and Meets

Use this forum to post muddy / fetish meetings and events, a day out playing in the mud etc.


I was wondering if anybody shared a fantasy of being initiated that I have. If anyone has stories of a messy Initiation do comment below. Anyway; I have a serious fantasy of a mixed mud/wam/manure initiation, where I am in waterproof gear and trashed as a sort of ritual to begin my adult muddy life.I saw online that SLOSH society offer something like this but that doesn’t quite fit with my mud fetish. Do PM me if you want to chat, ideally if I organised something like this it would be with someone similar age to me.

Mud and manure fun in Scotland

I’m in the highlands these days and have a great supply of mud and manure most of the year round. Always looking to have fun with others in the slop if anyone is near this way some time

Lab Berlin Mud Party June 17th 2023

Anyone up for joining me in Berlin for the legendary Mud Party at Laboratory? It’s been ages since they last hosted one so this is bound to be well attended - and never disappoints. It’s on the 17th June and there’s an afternoon after party of sorts on the Sunday from 1600 just in case your wellies and waders still need some attention!

Mud fun

Hi all is anyone getting muddy this bank holiday weekend that I could maybe join? Or manybe we could arrange to meet for a muddy session? Let me know!

Mud Party in BERLIN at Lab.Oratory on June 17th 2023

The gay club Lab.Oratory in Berlin http://www.lab-oratory.de just announced a Mud Party on June the 17th. !!!

Doors opened from 10:00 - 12:00 pm.

MUD PARTY / do it pig style

Farm meet this year?


Anyone know if the farm meet is happening this year?

Me and the gf interested in coming if so! Would need to know in advance though, as it's a very long drive!

Slop in Lancs

Working in lancs Mon - Fri the next few weeks. Anyone fancy a food slop shower?

Penrhos Farm 4x4

I had an interesting and fun day yesterday, whilst I had initially though of going to Tixover, I decided that a 2.5 hour drive for no more than a couple of hours of fun, followed by a 2.5 hour drive home, was probably a bit much. I still wanted to get muddy, so decided to seek out somewhere closer to home (about an hour's drive), but preferably new to me. A quick search found a couple of possibilities for 4x4 events that were taking place on the day, one near Stoke on Trent and one near Wrexham, after checking out the Facebook pages for both events I decided to go to the one near Wrexham.

Wild and Woolly 2022

Northampton Motorcyclist club have confirmed that Wild and Woolly motorcross is running again Boxingday 26th December 2022.

More Details https://www.facebook.com/groups/NorthamptonMCC/?__cft__%5B0%5D=AZUhnDxYY...

This is Marshall’s haveing fun last year


Derby muddy meets

Just moved to Derby for uni and looking for guys who know spots in the area to get muddy with


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